YarnMaker no. 28, Autumn 2016
YarnMaker—the Final Edition
A Scotch Mule Shawl The Scotch Mule Sheep, Fiona Curtis
Spinning and Weaving in Donegal, Alison Garnett
Jean's Glove Pattern, Jean Cooper
Spin and Knit for Jean's Gloves and Other Patterns, Carol Leonard
The Spinning Wheels Made by Col. James E Innes, MBE, Lynn Gray Ross
Introducing Natural Dye Extracts, Debbie Tomkies
Woad: if at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again, Patricia Dyson
Spindle Exhibition: celebrating the work of Betty Spence, Ellena Kirk
Remembering Betty Spence, Helen Neale
Spinning with Reflective Yarn, Elizabeth Lovick
Dog Walking Hat and Mitts, Elizabeth Lovick
Tiny Living & Spinning – Storage, Inspiration, Practicality, Georgina Beazeley
An Out-of-the-Ordinary Spinning Demo, Linda Scurr
Dyeing as a By-Product or Making Use of What You Have, Patricia Dyson
Spinning from the Sofa: The Journey of a Lifetime, Lesley Hordon
All Fleeced Out, Chris Seers
Easy to Spin: Spiral Yarn, Ruth Robinson
The Wheels Return to Stanton Guildhouse, Chris Seers
The Gressenhall Spinning Book: part 2, Rose Sheen
Majacraft Aura Spinning Wheel – Review, Ruth Robinson
Book & DVD Reviews
Events for your 2017 diary
Where There's a Wheel There's a Way, Madeline Evans
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
West Wales Wool Show, Helen Babbs
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Chasing a Rainbow, Lesley O'Connell-Edwards
Creative Yarn: Recycle Your Silk, Jane Deane
Two Spinning Wheels, Rosemary Pope
Knit 1 Bike 1, Janet Renouf-Miller
Handweavers Studio, Dawn Willey
Wharfe Wool Fair, Angela Barrow
How Judith Knitted her Purple Striped Jacket, Judith Edwards
Tour of British Fleece at Edinburgh Yarn Festival, Fiona Curtis
Tour of British Fleece 2016, Fiona Curtis
Wonderwool Wales in 2016, Daisy Garland
Introducing the Swedish Helsinge Sheep, Carol G McFadden
The Kennet Valley Guild Biennial Retreat, Louisa Homden
Spinning in Gressenhall's 'House of Industry', Rose Sheen
Reader's Letters
Angora Goats for Handspinners, Helen Babbs
Mohair from Fleece to Yarn, Helen Babbs Suppliers of Mohair for Spinning
Supplier and Product News
Book & DVD Reviews
Events for your diary
Woolfest 2016
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Blending Dyed Fleece for a Gradient Yarn, Judith Edwards
Group Report: Visit to a Wool Board Depot, Gil Hardstone, Sally Antill, Fiona Curtis, Sue Parker, Robert Hill
Selecting a Shetland Fleece, Judy Hardman
The Herring Spinning Wheel, Dorothy Lumb
Introduction to Andean Plying, aka Bracelet Plying, Amanda Hannaford
Rare Breeds Survival Trust Watchlists: The Watchlist for Sheep in 2016
The Border Leicester Sheep 'At Risk', Eleanor Stokeld
A Grand Day Out, Linda Scurr
Whitefaced Woodlands - Adventures with Fleece, Debbie Fisher
An Invitation to the Whitefaced Woodland Fleece from Farm Day, Helen Dowey
Readers Letters
The Woolly Roadshow, David Griffiths
Supplier and Product News
The Somerset Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Annual Fleece Fair
Events for your diary
Book & DVD Reviews
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups Competition
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Speckled Faced Beulah Sheep Fleece, Fran Rushworth
My Kind of Spinning, Debbie Zawinski
An Icelandic Craft Tour, Jean Cooper
Crocheted Icelandic Collar, Sue Watson
Curved Shawlette, Carol MacFadden
Harry Pouncey's Spinning Wheels, Dorothy Lumb
Neville Smith / Penfillan Spinning Wheel, Rosemary Pope
Spinzilla 2015, Ellena Kirk
Dyeing Wool in a Roasting Tin, Dorothy Lumb
Working With Gradient Tops, Sara Millis
My Coat of Many Colours, Susan Tosini
Woolly Happenings in the Wairarpa, Mary Knox
Valais Blacknose Sheep, Judy Hardman
Reader's Letters
Events for Your 2016 Diary
Supplier and Product News
Book Reviews
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Projects From Scraps, Amanda Hannaford
About Dianna, Jane Araújo
Dianna Shawl Pattern, Jane Araújo
Top Tips For Acid Dyeing of Wool, Jean Fenton
Mixing Your Own Rainbow, Jean Fenton
Spinning From a Seed, Daisy Garland
Autumn Jacket, Sarah Howard
Spinning on the Akha Spindle, Carol Leonard
Fibonacci Numbers, Linda Martin
Making a Triangle Loom, Dorothy Lumb
Spinning Baby Camel and Silk, Jane Deane
The Haunui Wool Story, part 2, Katherine Barber
Woolfest 2015, Sally Seed and Dorothy Lumb
Supplier and Product News
Proper Woolly 2015 Review – and the Future, Anne Rogers
Kendal Wool Gathering, Mike Glover
Reader's Letters
The Rare and Traditional Breeds Show, Catherine Hughes
Book Reviews
Learning about 20th Century Spinning Wheels
Events 2015
Five Years for Fibre-East, Amie Green
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
A Growing Flock of Speckled Face Beulah Sheep, Frances Rushworth
A Guide to Garment Design, part 2, Helen Neale
On Washing and Labelling Your Garments, Helen Neale
An Introduction to Swedish Finull Wool, Carol McFadden
Direct Warping Using a Warping Frame, Carol Swaisland
Reader's Letters
Using a Nostepinne, Dorothy Lumb
Appeleton Back-to-Back: alpaca to garment and accessories, Shiela Dixon
From Her Back to my Back, Pat Dyson
Entering the Longest Thread Contest, Katie Weston
Theo Moorman Inlay Technique, part 2, Alison Daykin
The Haunui Wool Story, Katherine Barber
Weaving With Six Blends of Handspun Singles on a Rigid Heddle Loom, Carol McFadden
Wonderwool Wales 2015, Dorothy Lumb
Supplier and Product News
Book Reviews
Events Book
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Knit 1 Bike 1, Janet Renouf-Miller
Mystery Fibre – Definitely Not Cotton!, Karen Malledent
Mystery Solved?, Dorothy Lumb
A Guide to Garment Design, Helen Neale
For the Love of the Border Leicester, Eleanor Stokeld
Spinning Border Leicester Fleece, Dorothy Lumb
Reader's Letters
Linda's Wool Picker, Dorothy Lumb
Rare Breeds Survival Trust Watchlist 2015
othwell Longest Thread Competition 2015
The Wrapster-pinne is Born, Rob Routledge
Theo Moorman Inlay Technique, Alison Daykin
Kennet Valley Project 2014, Pat Foster for Kennet Valley Guild
Supplier and Product News
Fancy a go at Spinning Worsted – but don't have an expensive set of wool
combs to hand?, Amanda Hannaford
Flick Carding with Amanda Hannaford
Pulling a Sliver with Amanda Hannaford
Leeds Wool Festival 2015
Making a Spindle Using Fimo Clay, Becky Gant
Woolfest taking shape to celebrate all things wool, Sally Seed for Woolfest
Book Reviews
Painting With Yarns:
Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 11, Hilary Charlesworth
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Aristocratic Bluefaced Leicesters, Kate Steed
Preparing Bluefaced Leicester Wool for Spinning, Dorothy Lumb
Spinning for a Garment! How Scary...., Katie Weston
Spinning in a Small Space, Becky Gant
So, What's a Gorfhook? Rob Routledge
Distaffs, Susan Tosini
Woolly Sweaters: Kind to the Environment, Dorothy Lumb
Yarndale: Vibrant and Thriving
Summer School, Ashfield-Style, Ellena Kirk
The Sedbergh Sheepfest , Janet Phillips
Sheep to Shawl on the Wall, Sally Antill
The Sheep to Shawl Adventure – A Roman Story, Hazel Howes
Three Good Friends and a Trip to Wales, Linda Scurr
Using a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut:
the unfortunate effect of new EU VAT rules, Karen Butler
Reader's Letters
Proper Woolly, Anne Rogere
Events for Your Diary
Supplier and Product News
Bristol Wool Fair, Jill Shepherd
Book Reviews
A Home at Last! Sandra Dain
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 10, Hilary Charlesworth
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Dye Plant Gardening, part 3, Frances Rushworth
Notes on the Wensleydale Sheep, Dorothy Lumb
Spinning and Wensleydales, Mary Cooper
Fibre-East 2014
A Woolly Slope: Introduction to Wool Types with Deb Robson, Heather James
Spindle Spinning with Abby Franquemont, Terri Bate
Organising Deb Robson's Workshop for the Travelling Spinners, Sally Antill
A Two-Flyer Charka and Other Happy Finds, Linda Scurr
Soay Suprise, Amanda Davies
Granville Swanney – The Last Maker of Orkney Wheels, Elizabeth Lovick
The Silk Workers of the Sierra Zapoteca, Mexico, Carol Leonard
No McMorran Balance? Here's an Alternative, Dorothy Lumb and Bob Thomlinson
From Textile Stash to "Silk Road" Art Bag, Fiona Bureau
My Life in Textiles – So Far, Roslyn Gibson
Spin Long Draw on a Drop Spindle, Pam Austin
Supplier and Product News
New Look Summer School for the Association of W, S & D, Chris Pegler
Events for Your Diary
Book and DVD Reviews
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 9, Hilary Charlesworth
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Corrections and Clarifications
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Dye Plant Gardening, part 2, Frances Rushworth
Spinning a Rainbow, Elena Kirk
Creative Yarn: Tulip Art Yarn, Jane Deane
The Reluctant Alpaca Breeder, Fiona Tankard
Haddington Spinners Take to the Hills, Debbie Zawinski
A Handspinner's Study of Herdwick Sheep and Fleece, Audrey Houghton
Herdwicks of the Lakeland Fells, Pam Hall and Mary Bell
Every Yarn, Every Age Mittens, Elizabeth Lovick
The North Atlantic Native Sheep and Wool Conference, Jeni Reid
Events for Your Diary
Supplier and Product News
Readers Letters
Wonderwool Wales
Book Reviews
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 8, Hilary Charlesworth
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Three Manx Hats, Amanda Hannaford
Dye Plant Gardening, part 1, Frances Rushworth
Great Wheels in England: From Medieval Times to 21st Century, Penelope Hemmingway
Big Ideas with an Ashford Country Spinner, June Emmerson
Creative Yarn: Autumn Colours, part 2, Alison Daykin
Galvanising Line, Carol G McFadden
Spinning to Match a Commercial Yarn, Carol G McFadden
What I Did at Summer School, Terri Bate
Every Yarn, Every Age Snuggle, Elizabeth Lovick
Events for Your Diary
Sheep in the Rare Breeds Survival Trust Watchlist 2014
Supplier and Product News
The Continuing Thread, Frances Young
Readers Letters
Painting With Yarns:
Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 7, Hilary Charlesworth
Book Reviews
Association of Guilds Exhibition News
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition to Win Wonderwool Tickets, plus YarnMaker Competition
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Shetland Wool Week 2013, Jeni Reid
To Bendigo and Beyond, Sandra Dain
Cheshire Guild Diamond Anniversary, Audrey Houghton
Could You Be a Bit of a Show Off... Please? Angie Corbet
Angora Rabbits and Fibre, Sarah Paul
About the National Angora Society, Lesley Horden
Crochet Your Own Angora Rabbit, Helen Free
Spinning Angora Yarns, Dorothy Lumb
Majacraft Custom Wheels,Glynis Poad
Dyeing with Natural Colours, Elena Kirk
Logging a Fleece and Yarn Stash, Rachel Lemon
Griffiths Mill – fleece to yarn, David Griffiths
Creative Yarn: Autumn Colours, Alison Daykin
Wool from Woolfest, Beate Herold
Bakewell Wool Gathering
Slanting Stripes Hat, Elizabeth Lovick
Glastonbury Wool and Alpaca Festival, Pam Mitchell
Readers Letters
Events for Your Diary
Spinning Courses
Supplier and Product News
Book Reviews
Painting With Yarns:
Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 6, Hilary Charlesworth
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
The Story of Aston Alpacas, Carrie Jackson
Alpaca Futurity Blanket, Dora Hancock
Hairshirts and Underpants: Spinning Soay Fleece, Jeni Reid
Working with a Blending Board or Blending Palette, Carol G McFadden
Elemental Mitts, Carol G McFadden
Ragwort Yellow, Nettle Green, Dorothy Lumb
Creative Yarn: Tailspun Wensleydale, Jane Deane
Icelandic Sheep in Britain, Sally Williams
Anne Field – A Tribute, Sandra Dain
Always Argyll, Innes Carmichael
How to Make a Simple Spindle, Rob Routledge
British Spindle Makers 2013
Events for Your Diary
Spinning at the Viaer Marchi Guernésiaise, Karen Malledent
Readers Letters
Made by John Seymour?, Chrissy Bristow
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 5, Hilary Charlesworth
Events for Your Diary
Advertisements and Subscriptions
Book Reviews
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition and Wovember 2013
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
From 'Ewe to You', Susi Clark
To Join or Not to Join? Angie Corbet
From Skip to Working Wheel, Lynda Dommett
A Blanket of Many Colours, Katie Weston
Ashfield Guild's Dyed Fibre Challenge, Elena Kirk
Soay: The Mossoay Flock, Jeni Reid
Waste Wood to Whorls, Elizabeth Lovick
The Day I Dyed and Went to Colour Heaven, Elena Kirk
Penelope, Tattercoats, and the Queen of Spindles, Spinning Songs, Talis Kimberley
Fun, Fibre and Friendship, Innes Carmichael
Three Dog Mitts – And a Hat, Nancy Keranen
Creative Yarn: Golden Pheasant, Jane Deane
Europeans Spinning Towards A World Record, Wendy Dennis
Events for Your Diary
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry, Part 4, Hilary Charlesworth
Spinning Courses
Supplier and Product News
Bliss – a Well Named Wheel, Elizabeth Lovick
Book and DVD Reviews
Readers Letters
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Adverts and How to Subscribe
Competition - win dyed fibre and a crochet kit from Brough Lea Farm
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Spinning Long Draw, Pam Austin
Designing a Yarn, Helen Neale
A Short History of The Illustrious Cotswold Sheep, Rob Harvey Long
Star Spotting, Spinning in Church and the Ghost of Water Row, Innes Carmichael
Sheep in the Rare Breed Survival Trust Watchlist 2013
Four Spinners From Imperial China, Theresa Munford
RBST Provides Emergency Help to North Ronaldsay
April News Update From North Ronaldsay, Elizabeth Lovick
Striped Sock Yarn Using a Skeining Board, Maggie Stearn
Bothwell Longest Thread Competition
Readers Letters
Roger Sear - Wheel Maker, Dorothy Lumb
Warm Crocheted Mittens in Jacob Wool, Helen Free
Creative Yarn: Argentine Tango, Jane Deane
Spinning Courses
Supplier and Product News
Battle Wool Shop - So How Did I Get Into This? Shelagh Duffill
An Article in Handspun Alpaca, Sue Macniven
Looming Large: Spinning & Weaving From a Woodworker's Point of View, Ron Davis
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry Part 3, Hilary Charlesworth
Book and DVD Reviews
Events for Your Diary
Advertisements and How to Subscribe
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition – win a stay in Wingham Wool Work's cottage with free fibre sampling.
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Joel Barton Sets New UK Lamb Shearing Record, Lydia Hill
Bouclé Yarns, Pam Austin
Jacob Fleece, Dorothy Lumb
Jacobs Are One of the Best! Kate Steed
A Brace of Sheepdogs and a Waulking Piper, Innes Carmichael
A Woolly Tale Post Retirement, Carol Hinchliffe
Scottish Smallholder and Grower Festival 2012 at Forfar, Angus, Jenni Reid
Creative Yarn: Winter Beach, Jane Deane
Brenhnines Cape, Katie Weston
Handspinning and Yarn Design: Diploma Day in Bern, Paul Simmonds
Readers Letters
Dyeing a Sock Roll for Self-Striping Socks, Maggie Stearn
Spindling Around, Susan Tosini
Painting With Yarns: Let's Weave a Tapestry, Hilary Charlesworth
Finding Flax to Spin, Dorothy Lumb
Spinning Courses
Book and DVD Reviews
The British Wool Marketing Board, Rachel Turner
Events for Your 2013 Diary
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition - win a dyed fibre pack from Fibre Forager
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Guanaco Wool of Patagonia, Argentina and the Mapuche People's Spinning and Weavings, Carol Mackie
Blending Fibres on a Drum Carder, Carol McFadden
Footlights, Runes and Blessings, Innes Carmichael
Soay Sheep at Gaerllwyd, Christine Williams
Soay Fair Isle, Amanda Hannaford
The Making of the Mobius, Elizabeth Lovick
Readers Letters
Twist - The Heart of Spinning, part two: Why Twist and Why Ply Anything? Ruth Winterbottom
Painting with Yarns: Let's Make a Tapestry, Hiliary Charlesworth
More Than Double the Flyers: a Spinning Wheel for Twelve, Dorothy Lumb
Dyeing to Knit? Hand-dyed Matching Self-Striping Socks, Maggie Stearn
A Loom with a View, Innes Carmichael
Supplier and Product News
Summer School for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Dorothy Lumb, Jane Cooper, Isabella Hodge and Pete Leonard
Small, but Perfectly Formed – The Third North Pennines Wool Event, Ellie Langley
DVD Reviews
Events for Your Diary
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Subscriptions and Competition to win a zebrano and maple spindle made by Turned on the Cut.
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Derbyshire Gritstone: The Dale O'Goyt Sheep, Dorothy Lumb
Derbyshire Gritstone – Spinning Yarn From the Fleece, Hannah Greatorex
Twist – The Heart of Spinning, part one, Ruth Winterbottom
I Wanted to be a Zoo-Keeper!, Maureen Preen
Broomstick Crochet – How to Do it and What to Use it For, Janet Renouf-Miller
Georgian Great Wheel Revival, Tracy Miles
History of Estonian Handspinning Tradition, Julika Roos
Readers Letters / Woolfest / Bothwell Longest Thread Contest
Spin Notts Welcome the New Lambs at Cumber Park, Elena Kirk
Mud and Larks at Fibre East 2012, Jan Organ
Around Fibre East, Sam Hollinsworth
Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) The Alternative Cleaning Agent? Linda and Richard Catlin
How Shall I Spin it? What Shall I Make?, Jacqui Walker
Bond: The Name's Bond, Sarah Casewell
A Brib Hat, Katie Weston
Creating a Dye Workshop in the Cellar, Judith Beckett
Supplier and Product News
Our Woolsack Cushion, Judith Townend
Woolsack Project Success, Dorothy Lumb
Book & DVD Reviews
Events for Your Diary
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition: Win a copy of Circular Knitting Workshop, by Margaret Radcliffe
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Cashcott Purple Haze, Amanda Hannaford
My Gotland Sheep: The Penwardine Flock, Amanda Gray
How Can I Spin It, What Can I Make?, Jacqui Walker
Dyeing Gotland Fleece, Sue Routledge
Cultural Exchange: From Scotland to Estonia, part 2, Innes Carmichael
Art Yarn, Alison Daykin
My Double-Flyer Spinning Wheel, Paul Simmonds
Double-Flyer Spinning Wheels continued, Keira McFleat
Readers Letters
Royal Command Performance, Val Crank
Visit to the Perth W.A. Guild of Spinners, Weavers, Rod Grant
Unravel: A Spinners Perspective, Lydia Hill
Spinning Cat Hair, Helen Morris
The Great British Wool Revival, Dorothy Lumb
My Art Yarn, Karen Malledent
Wonderwool Wales 2012
Supplier and Product News
Advertisements and subscriptions
DVD and Book reviews
Events for your diary
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition: Win a copy of How to Spin Just About Anything, by Janet Renouf-Miller
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Steep Learning Curve in the Atlas Mountains, Pam Austin
Beautiful Batts and Husky Hats, Elizabeth Lovick
Fleece Variations, Sue Blacker
My Polwarth Sheep, Jackie Webb
There are Other Things to do with Woodchips than Putting them into Wallpaper: Part 2, Logwood, Judith Beckett
Art Yarn, Alison Daykin
Textiles in Sussex: The 2011 Exhibition of the East Sussex Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Lydia Hill
Spinning and Weaving in the Shaky City, Sandra Dain
Spinning Tales from the Dawn of Time..., Angie and Jo Corbett
FibreFest - August 20th & 21st 2011, Terri Bate
Statement from the FibreFest 2011 Organisers
Is There a 'Wheel' Doctor In The House?, Joan Jones
Cultural Exchange from Scotland to Estonia, Innes Carmichael
Supplier and Product News
Events for your diary
Fibre-East: Supporting the Guild of Longdraw Spinners, Dorothy Lumb
Why Does the Guild of Longdraw Spinners (GOLDS) want their own Great Wheel?, Janet Jackson and Pam Austin
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition - win a book - Spin Art by Jacey Boggs or Hand Spun by Lexi Boeger
Reader Offer - chance to win tickets for Wonderwool Wales
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
The Sheep Run Again! Glastonbury Wool Day by Patricia Ackroyd
Ashford Guild Hospitality Day by Ellena Kirk
Woolly Wanderings by Linda Scurr
Celebrating Wool by Theresa Munford
Campaign for Wool & Love Wool UK events
The Sunflower – a Swift Evolution by Richard Moore
A Puzzle, A Picker and a Prattley Competition by Innes Carmichael
Weaving on a "Toy" Loom by Sian Lawton
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
A Woolly yarn, from Sheep to Shawl by Agnes Dix-de Hert
Leicester Longwool Sheep – The Long and Short of it.... by Heather Stead
There are Other Things to do with Woodchips than Putting them into Wallpaper: Part 1, Brazilwood by Judith Beckett
Cwm by Katie Weston
Readers Letters
Double Flyer Spinning Wheels by Keira McFleat
Wovember – A Campaign for "Wool" on the Label to Mean the Real Thing
Reviews – book and DVDs by Dorothy Lumb
Spinning Yarns in Public by Kate Santon
Love Wool UK 2011
How to Subscribe to YarnMaker
Advertisements and information for advertisers
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Events for your 2012 Diary
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Our County - Coast to Countryside by Margaret Eaglestone
Arts and Crafts by Alive and Kicking in Dorset! by Angie Corbet
Knitting a Traditional Well Dresing by Hannah Greatorex
Manx Loaghtan Sheep: The Parvabrook Flock by Suzanne Taylor
Dirt, Sweat and Grunting, part 2, Diary of a Sheep Shearing Course by Lydia Hill
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
Tales from the Workshop (continued) by Joan Jones
ISEND 2011 or Dyed and Gone to Heaven! (The International Symposium and Exhibition of Natural Dyes) by Jane Deane
ISEND 2011 by Ulrike Bogdan
Songs, Slaintes, and Sore Fingers by Innes Carmichael
Our British Wool Revival: The Measure of Success by Patricia Ackroyd
Readers Letters
Home Grown Wool by Spun and Knitted in a Day by Ann Fox, Tawe Guild
Fibre East 2011: A Stallholders Perspective by Lydia Hill
Book Review by Dorothy Lumb
Supplier and Product News
Horseshoe Lace Scarf by Jacqui Walker
Reviews: A Selection of DVDs for Spinners by Dorothy Lumb
Events for your DiaryYarnMaker
Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition - win a set of Hazel Rose looms
from Wild Colours
Directory of Businesses
200th Anniversary Celebration - Remaking the Newbury Coat by Linda Scurr
My Spin & Knit Project by Katie Weston
The Boreray Sheep by D Jane Cooper
Boreray: A Spinner's View by Barbro Heikinmatti
The Magic of Cochineal by Janet Major
Ghandi - Spinning's Greatest Spokesperson by Angie Corbet
The Bear by Gill Farlam
How I Learnt to Spin by Tom Hughes
Sheilings Sherry Bottles - and a Stick! by Innes Carmichael
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
Dirt Sweat and Grunting by Lydia Hill
Readers Letters and Campaign for Wool News
100 Skeins by Linda Scurr
Tales from the Workshop by Joan Jones
But... What about the Warping? by Angie Corbet
Events for your diary
Woolfest 2011
Fibrefest 2011
Supplier and Product News
Subscription form
Book Reviews
Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition - books to win and fibre from Warratah Fibres
Directory of Businesses
Natural Dyeing for the Terrified by Carol Leonard
The Lincoln Longwool Sheep by Sharon Rowlands
Innerleithan Spinning Wheels by Rod Grant
Dorset Buttons by Barbara Douglas
Making Polymer Clay Buttons by Sian Lawton
Buttons to Buy and Saving the Dorset Button-Making Heritage
Hot Washing Fine Fleece by Dorothy Lumb
Plans, Panics and Potions by Innes Carmichael
A Crofting Life by Nikki Crabtree
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
The Bothwell Spin In and Longest Thread Contest by Dorothy Lumb and Sandra Dawn Cleaver
Handspinning in New Zealand by Sandra Dain
The Campaign for Wool
Readers Letters
The Newbury Coat by Linda Scurr
Online Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers by Margaret Parker
Every Yarn, Every Size Socks by Elizabeth Lovick
Spin-In at Woolfest June 2011, and Sunshine and Fun at Wonderwool Wales
Let's Twist Again by Angie Corbet
Book Reviews
Events for your Diary
Holding a Fleece Day by Sarah Mitchell
Somerset Guild's Fleece Fair by Jim Doust
Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition: Win a Peg Loom from Maureen Preen, Woodcymru
Directory of Businesses
The Winter Season at Greengate by Sharon Rowlands
Joining Broken Threads: Spanish spinner, their cloth and their baskets by Anna Champeney
Shopping and Dyeing in Gloucester and Derby - Pomegranate Seeds by Mary Hawkins
Rare Breeds at The London Guild by Theresa Munford
Sheep and the Rare Breed Survival Trust by Dorothy Lumb
Why Do They Call it "Spin Off Autumn Retreat"? by Carol Leonard
Are You Plying Tonight? part 2 by Georgina Beazeley
Assessing a Fleece - or is free fleece a bargain? by Elizabeth Lovick
Cashmere - a fine passion, part 2 by Lesley Prior
What is a Loom? by Jane Patrick
A Cashmere Shawl by Amanda Hannaford
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
Readers Letters
Book Reviews
Adventures with a Dragon by Innes Carmichael
Drumcarding Fleece from Staple to Batt by Katharine Barber
Drumcarder tips & myths by Katharine Barber
One of a Kind? Dora's Spinning Machine by Dorothy Lumb
Subscription form
Advertisements and information for advertisers
Events listing, and competition to win tickets to Wonderwool Wales
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups, and news of a Royal visitor to the Wiltshire Guild
Competition: Win a spindle handmade by Enid Ashcroft and Advertisments
YarnMaker Directory of Businesses
Melton Mowbray Show and Sale by Sarah Wroot
Events for your 2011 Diary
Review of an unusual type of spinning tool: The Mayan Spinner / The Rakestraw Spinner by Hazel Cattell
Ceilidhs, Coos and Castles by Innes Carmichael
Rainbow Dyeing in the Microwave by Sandra Dain
The Whitefaced Woodland by Phillip Onions
Test Spinning: Whitefaced Woodland, plus Chunky Pompom Hat by Jacqui Walker
Understanding a Little More About How Your Spinning Wheel Works by Joan Jones
Cashmere - a Fine Passion by Lesley Prior
Cashmere Blending by Amanda Hannerford
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
Are You Plying Tonight? by Georgina Beazeley
Wild About Wool by Paul Crookes
Cheap Tools For Spinning by Elizabeth Lovick
Book Reviews and A Scandinavian Spinning Wheel by Dorothy Lumb
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition: Win A Rakestraw Spinner from Wild Fibres
Directory of Businesses
British Spindle Makers, part 2.
Yarns in Ancient Times by Peter Groom
Onions Re-Peeled by Mary Hawkins
Cakes and Creativity - A fibre retreat at Cwmoerant Farm by Sally Pointer with photos by Kathryn Jones
Feis Cothlam - A Gaelic Woolfest by Innes Carmichael
The Woolpicker by Angie Corbet
Art Yarn by Alison Daykin
So, Having found that ‘new to you’ spinning wheel... what next? by Joan Jones
In Search of Fine Fleece by Elizabeth Lovick
Review: the Ashford Country Spinner by Georgina Beazeley
Sheep Breeding for Colour by Karen Tesson
Rustic Sore Thumb Mittens by Jacqui Walker
The History of Sheep Shearing by Christine Clark
Spindle query response by Carol Leonard, and Errata
Book reviews by Dorothy Lumb
The Perils of Housewarming Parties & the National Trust by Jenny Arnold
Popes, Pirates, and the Importance of KAl(SO4)2.12(H2O) by Sally Pointer
The Difference That Alum Makes by Dorothy Lumb
Spinning Wheels, by Dorothy Lumb
Summer Season at Greengate by Sharon Rowlands
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition: Win one of three copies of Jenny Dean’s revised book Wild Colour
Directory of Businesses
Internet Resources for Handspinners by Dorothy Lumb
Alison’s Weaving Class by Jill Shepherd
A Spinner’s Tale by Innes Carmichael
Coloured Ryeland Sheep - a spinning shepherd’s perspective by Karen Tesson
Don’t look a gift Sheep in the Mouth by Angie Corbet
A Traditional Design for a Traveller’s Wheel? by Dorothy Lumb
Scouring for Beginners by Jill Shepherd
Any-sized Mat, Shawl or Blanket (knitting pattern) by Elizabeth Lovick
Why Spindle Spin? by Carol Leonard, with photos by Helen Barker
Books for Beginning Spindle Spinners by Dorothy Lumb
Spindles - made in Britain (showcase for British spindle makers)
A Guide to Creatively Spinning Art Yarns by Alison Daykin
So, where do you go to get that first spinning wheel? by Joan Jones
Dyeing with Japanese Indigo by Ann Kingstone
Growing Japanese Indigo by Dorothy Lumb
The Mediaeval Spinning Class by Jill Shepherd
YarnMaker Directory of Guilds and Spinning Groups
Competition - win a handmade spindle made by Mike Williams
Diretory of Businesses |

For earlier editions scroll down the page, or click number to go straight to the contents list:
no. 1 August 2010; no. 2 October 2010; no. 3 January 2011; no. 4 March 2011; no. 5 May/June 2011; no. 6 July/August 2011; no. 7 September October 2011; no. 8 November/December 2011; no. 9 January/February 2012; no. 10 June 2012; no. 11 September 2012; no. 12 November 2012; no. 13 February 2013; no. 14 April 2013; no. 15 June 2013; no.16 September 2013; no.17 December 2013; no.18 April 2014, no. 19 July 2014, no. 20 October 2014, no. 21 December 2014, no. 22 April 2015, no. 23 June 2015, no. 24 Autumn 2015, no. 25 Winter 2015, no. 26 Spring 2016 |